Autor: Lucy Coleman

Arnica Montana and its many benefits

Arnica Montana and its many benefits

Arnica Montana belong to the Compositae family, so it is a relative of the common Daisy. Several of this family of plants are used homeopathically and herbally. The star shaped flowers of this botanical family are familiar to us all as sunflowers and ornamental daisies. 

«The non-biological causes of Infertility»

  To read this I need you to have an open mind. The article «Biological and non-biological causes of infertility» there contains explanations about all the biological causes. However, even though many patients present with biological causes, an increased majority are aware there is something 


I mentioned before that hypnosis has become one of the best tools to change patient’s responses to any physical or emotional disease. It has been used for many years, and the benefits on the mind are exceptional.   After completing my hypnosis training I realized 

How to approach you partner and talk about fertility issues?

Facing infertility can be daunting and exhausting to many. The probability of having to face uncomfortable conversations with a partner adds a bit more to the stress. Although some partner can be very supportive from the beginning, there is a bigger percentage of those not 

Reiki and its many accomplishments in Fertility

Reiki and its many accomplishments in Fertility

Fertility Reiki is a great way of getting your body in balance in order to increase the chances of fertility success and the pregnancy odds.       “People come to you with many different problems, difficulties, and illnesses, sometimes as a last resort, and 

Talking about ironies.

Talking about ironies.

  I am amazed of how ironic life can be. Anything happens without a cause or reason, there is no luck. Every person that crosses your life has a meaning. Either you play a role for them or they will play a role for you. 

Es muy necesario nutrir nuestro espíritu para poder mantenerse sano.

Es muy necesario nutrir nuestro espíritu para poder mantenerse sano.

Hace unos años mi vida se encontraba inmersa en un mundo donde la prioridad era el hacer dinero y trabajar en función al éxito. Todo parecía ir de maravilla ya que afortunadamente pude lograr todo lo que me propuse. Sin embargo, vivía una vida que 

Hypnocell® really change your life!

  A few years ago when my interesting and long quest in the fertility world started I was, as most of humans are, totally oblivious of the great power we all have with the most complex and interesting working-machine called BRAIN. The power of our 

Thanks for the knowledge and Thanks for letting me see into your cells.

“When I see into the stars, it gets easier for me to understand most of the answers still out there, in the universe around us”. I wake up everyday early in the morning, drink a large glass of water, watch some news, run for 10 

Hypnosis and Fertility

I started my quest with hypnosis after meeting with a great woman, who is a hypnotist in Houston. Her name Melanie Harrell ( She helped me to go through a serious allergic reaction last year. And she used hypnosis to treat my panic attacks and 

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