Autor: Lucy Coleman

10 things patients undergoing fertility treatments should not listen to.

It is already hard to go through infertility. Many visits at the clinic, facing difficult tests, questioning your lifestyle, making assumptions of the percentage of success, giving personal details about your sex life, etc. There are so many things that we can mention here and 

Astral City. Where are we going to?

Astral City. Where are we going to?

There are reasons and sense for everything in life and the afterlife. I just watched this movie and think everyone in the awakening process should watch it too:  

How can I tell my family and friends I have been challenged in the fertility area?

It can be a burden to feel like the black sheep among everyone around. You are probably surrounded from family and friends who seems to have babies as easy as cooking and egg, but for you it has been a whole new story. It doesn’t 

Einstein and Pi (π)

Einstein and Pi (π)

It came to my attention the fascinating fact of Albert Einstein’s birthday and its coincidentally celebration with Pi (π) day this year. Albert Einstein is known as one of the greatest minds of all time. German-born theoretical physicist. He was born on March 14, 1879, 

What is fertility online for?

What is fertility online for?

  Through this blog I will communicate the discoveries I’ve made during my fertility experience. It has been a broad experience fulfilled with new discoveries, understanding and respect for the field of life. I am sure many of the patients coming here will find comfort 

Héroes verdaderos

Héroes verdaderos

  Hace días que estoy pensando en escribir este artículo, pero no es fácil describir con palabras los hechos que he entendido de una persona particular que existe en mi vida que ha vivido cosas increíbles y mantiene un espíritu de optimismo inigualable.   En 

La gran conexión entre el stress y la infertilidad.

La gran conexión entre el stress y la infertilidad.

Diariamente en nuestra consulta de medicina reproductiva nos encontramos con pacientes que se encuentran con un grado de stress enorme con tan sólo acudir a la consulta por problemas de infertilidad. La tasa de infertilidad a nivel mundial sigue en aumento, así como la tasa 

The search for life on Earth

The search for life on Earth

Past, present, future. Infertility was, is and will still being a challenge in the world, actually it is increasing dramatically and will become a bigger challenge than what it is today. We Doctors strive to learn more and more everyday about the peculiar behaviors of 

The economics of the fertility market. Is it worth the try?

For those who pursue the path of becoming doctors it is a long ride, filled with obstacles, loneliness, sleepiness, loss of social life and challenges that sometimes make us reconsider if we took the right path. Then the very long career followed by a longer 

How to talk to your fertility specialist?

Finding the right fertility specialist can be daunting, but once you find the right one asking the right questions and getting the answers you can get to understand some day it might be a bit tricky. Most patients assisting to the fertility consultation are stressed 

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