Autor: Lucy Coleman

Embryologist, the best job in the world!

    To study several years, and to finally become a biologists or a medical doctor it takes years, not easy at all. Some people study several years and decide to pursue their career as researchers or physicians. I believe just the brave ones go 

Hypnosis and cancer

When I first decided to seriously study hypnosis it was mostly for curiosity, and the thirst to understand more about the way the human mind works. It all happened suddenly because my whole life changed thanks to Reiki, Yoga, and the practice of constant meditations. 



How difficult is it being humans? It should not be so hard. It has been wonderful to live here having a body after all. I once met a remarkable person, who was ill with terminal lung cancer. He was young still and at the beginning 



  Pensándote tiempo, se me van las horas pensándote, sintiéndote, viviéndote. Puedes ser ligero, fácil, y a la vez implacable y controversial. Sé que existes mas siento que puedes ser una idea, una sensación. Pero sé que tu presencia hace la espera eterna, compleja. Cuando 



  Today some 2 billion people –roughly 1 billion Catholics and another billion in protestant faiths-observe Christmas.   If you were asked, “Why do you celebrate Christmas?” How would you respond? Many would say Christmas honors the birthday of Jesus. Others feel that Christmas is 

Safe zone

      Once I met a man who was an excellent person, he exceeded everybody’s expectation of being clever, human, humble, terribly handsome and rich. It was the perfect combination. For me it was peculiar to find him alone and with no many friends 

How do embryologists select the best embryos?

The procedure of in vitro fertilization is complex and involves several important and necessary steps in order to increase the chances of success. It happens inside the embryology laboratory and requires for the scientific personnel to handle living cells. It has been said that the 

Como puedo obtener una cita con la Dra. Coleman a través del portal de Fertility Online?

Como puedo obtener una cita con la Dra. Coleman a través del portal de Fertility Online?

Debido a las altas demandas de pacientes que hablan español, el equipo de Fettility Online diseño un sistema de información bastante amigable para poder acceder al portal de citas.   Existe un calendario de búsqueda de citas que le abrirá una nueva pantalla para el 

Fertility treatments for gays, lesbians and unmarried persons. Is it a matter of ethics?

In occasions we have to make decisions that will definitely impact the future of the world in many ways. Some people argued that being gay comes with genetics. There is a great article about this topic I would like to refer to ( In this 

Yogis Relax with Yoga. A great new line of arnica salves for Yoga!

  Honestly, with the range of products available everywhere to treat so many problems, I am loving these arnica salves now. They were specially created for yoga practitioners, although can be used for any other sport or any person looking to alleviate symptoms, side effects, 

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