Yogis Relax with Yoga. A great new line of arnica salves for Yoga!

Yogis together


Honestly, with the range of products available everywhere to treat so many problems, I am loving these arnica salves now. They were specially created for yoga practitioners, although can be used for any other sport or any person looking to alleviate symptoms, side effects, muscle aches, etc.

I use these creams every single day for my yoga class. I can apply it before and provides me a comforting, nice feeling during the class; also prevents me to hurt any muscles and I have found to be more flexible when use the cream rather than when I don’t use it. If I use it after the class I can spend a great day moving around and I even apply it before going to be so my muscles can relax during my sleep.

The salves come in six different fragrances, each one of them designed with a different purpose. They have been made with pure essential oils, and they are 100% organic – natural without any preservatives on them; this is very important for me as I have decided not to use any more products containing chemical preservatives as I know my skin is an organ that absorbs everything I put on.

So it is a highly recommended product for me. Yoga practitioners love it because of the many benefits they get with the regular use of the salves, and also the relaxation and aromatherapy properties excellent during meditation before or after the yoga class.

Arnica Eucalyptus-peppermint salve, Arnica almond salve, arnica mango-papaya salve, arnica coconut salve, arnica lavender-strawberry salve, and arnica chocolate salve,; all delicious and yummy!

Try one and see the difference…

For more information: www.yogiss.com

The salves are now listed on Amazon.com, click on each one to go directly to the Amazon link:

the best…they are just 14.99 USD!!!

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