There is a huge lot of information out there these days regarding assisted reproduction and fertility. We can find implications, consequences, side effects, results, probabilities, etc. All this information seems useful for patients to understand what they are going through, and the chances of success.
Personally, as a former patient in fertility, I understand the difficult times we have to go through once we become the patient. Success and positive results is all we wish for. However, is not always what we get.
Once you become a fertility patient is because you have been trying as much as possible to get the results of conceiving naturally. You become a person in need of help of a fertility specialist. There are also helpers during that pathway. Those helpers are other methods that can be used together with the assisted reproductive treatment. I call helpers exercise, good balanced nutrition, yoga, Reiki, fertility massages, reflexology and acupuncture. They all have been showing to be excellent helpers on the assisted reproductive procedure prior, during and after. They all have been reported to increase the chances of success.
Exercise and a good balanced nutrition contribute to maintain the body on a physiological balance, which contributes to improve the hormone levels and the quality of the gametes. A low carbohydrate diet is highly recommended for patients undergoing fertility treatments. Some patients have been reported to get pregnant quicker once they have reach the ideal body mass index (BMI) in comparison with those over this index with obesity. This applies to women and men. Men can improve their sperm quality with a balanced lifestyle and low carbohydrate diet.
Yoga and Reiki are excellent to maintain a relaxed state of mind and body, to keep calm and patient, and to decrease the anxiety levels to find a healthy energetic balance. When I underwent my last in vitro procedure I was practicing yoga and Reiki. The results significantly improved in comparison with the last attempts, also my anxiety levels were very low, the recovery time decreased exponentially and the hormonal level was really good, this helped with the quality of my gametes.
There are spas that offer fertility massages today. These massages are focused on the lymphatic system to help the body to get rid of toxins (detox process), to also increase the blood circulation, especially in the reproductive organs and the brain, this way the organs will have a better response to hormones and might increase the chances of getting the best gametes. There is a range of products dedicated for these types of massage, they are call Fertility Spa They targeted every patient’s need, and during every part of their procedure.
Reflexology and acupuncture are great helper techniques to balance the energy in our bodies and treat specific pathologies and diseases associated with the patient’s symptoms. In the case of fertility issues, these techniques will look to correct the root of the problem wherever it is located, through a process of energetic healing. The use of these techniques together with the fertility treatment have both showed better results in comparison with groups using the fertility treatments alone or acupuncture alone. It is necessary to have a right energetic balance in our bodies in order to get better results.
If you are looking for information online you must be very careful. Internet might be a helpful resource but it also a powerful resource that can make us ill just by reading at others people’s stories and comparing it with our own story. It is important to stay away from agents that might become toxic for our chances to succeed on our chosen fertility path. To surround of positive and happy people is a great helper. There are interesting positive and different stories on this blog Fertility Online, and there is a Spanish blog named and the clinic that has interesting information. These blogs are in Spanish.
If you are in a relationship, support and love from your partner during this difficult time is important. Most success stories are related to couples who love and support each other during the whole fertility procedure.
As always I wish you the best during your adventure and challenge you are taking on your reproductive procedure. Remember I am giving you these advices because I am a fertility specialist but also have been a patient in several opportunities, and I know the feeling. Smile because just with the act of smiling we are liberating thousand of positive substances inside our bodies that promote health. Surround yourself with positive people. Get lots of support from your love ones. Watch a nice funny movie, and think clearly and patiently during your treatment. And do not forget the daily meditations. Those will really help with fear, doubts and anxiety.
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